7 Personal Branding Tips for Introverts

Sharing your personal brand with the world depends on connections. Often, this requires in-person conversations and group events. But putting yourself in the mix of networking can be draining, [...]

How to Create Online Credibility Quickly

What does it mean to be credible? To enlist trust from the people encountering your words, art, products and services out in the digital sphere? Miriam-Webster says that to be credible is to able [...]

The Power of Live Video

Here’s Why Live Video is Your Personal Brand’s Secret Weapon Live video (and the way brands use it to amplify brand awareness and more) is an evolving modality – and one worth [...]

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis

How to Use SWOT Marketing Tool to Identify Your Marketplace Positioning Got SWOT? If not, you may want to consider this strategy as a means to deepening your awareness of your personal [...]

Making Your Design Decisions Count

Making Your Design Decisions Count When people come across your digital assets, whether it’s a Facebook graphic or a contact form on your website, they’re taking in information that gives them an [...]

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