High-End Mastermind: Why you need to start one NOW Chances are, at some point in your career, you’ve probably thought about the idea of building a digital product or online course. Digital [...]
Are your words moving people to action or lulling them to sleep? Copywriting is one of the most essential skills that any entrepreneur or brand builder needs to possess. While there are many [...]
Think of the last time someone asked you, “So what do you do for work?” Without a personal brand statement, you probably answered with your uninteresting job title. “I’m an online coach.” Cue the [...]
Over the past decade or so, personal branding has been about who you know, how many followers you can attract, and how much engagement you can accumulate on social media. As a result, influencer [...]
We live in the overflowing land of opportunity. Every year it gets harder and harder to know where to focus. Should you start the vlog, or the podcast? Say yes to this speaking engagement, or [...]
Have you ever had to deal with people online who seemingly take great joy in pointing out your flaws, inadequacies, and imperfections? “I really liked you until you started to sell me something.” [...]
In a world that’s overflowing with information, it pays to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Your personal brand statement is as unique as you are and having a compelling and memorable [...]
5 Engagement Hacks to Grow Your Personal Brand Do you want to get off the engagement roller coaster? Does it feel like one week a specific tactic works, and the next all you hear are crickets [...]
Thought Leader… How did that become such an over-used buzzword? There are so many people claiming to be “thought leaders” these days – using the term synonymously with other [...]
Have you ever wondered how people make money online? How successful entrepreneurs and business owners get their customers to buy their products or services? While there are many different sales [...]
We’ve heard it said that the play button is the most compelling call to action on the web. There is no doubt that social media has changed the way that we communicate with one another, and it’s [...]
What message is your personal brand currently conveying? Are you conveying expertise, trust, and credibility? Or are you non-existent in the minds of your potential customers? Taking the time to [...]
Have you ever purchased a product solely on the recommendation of someone you know? Word-of-mouth marketing continues to be the most effective form of marketing for small businesses, and is also [...]
How To Leverage Storytelling To Increase Your Influence Influence is fundamental to your personal brand and ability to lead and impact your audience. It is a skill we exercise every day, whether [...]
Choosing the right social media platform for your personal brand can be challenging in a diverse and highly competitive online world. Despite popular belief, you don’t need to be active on [...]
We believe the most valuable skill you can learn to make a bigger income and impact in the world with your personal brand is the skill of copywriting. While most people think copywriting is only [...]