How to Reach 10x More People with High-Performing Video Memes

The #1 way to increase your personal brand’s awareness, recognition, and following is through social media.

And the best part? This doesn’t have to include paid ads.

What you post on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. organically can 10x the number of people you’re getting in front of if done correctly. With a goal to increase followers and reach, you want to make sure you post in an optimized, proven way.

That being said, the content that you post on social media every day doesn’t always have to be something new. In fact, it should be something that drives people back to your long-from content like a book, blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or site.

That’s where repurposing comes in (and makes your life way easier when it comes to social media posting).

Content repurposing means recycling your existing content – like those videos, books, and blogs – into something fresh and shareable.

Repurposing allows marketers to seriously take advantage of what they’ve already created to drive more traffic, reach various audiences, save time, and work more efficiently.

Why Should I Reshare My High-Performing Content Pieces And How Will This Get Me More Followers?

47% of buyers view 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep; the more they see from your brand, the more trust and familiarity they build.

You also meet your audience at different parts in their journey with you. For example, if you shared a great how-to video six months ago on your Facebook page, only some of your audience saw that. If someone new starts following you, that’s still great content for them to see. Sharing it in a new way allows them access to it as well.

Same strategy with where you shared it. People who follow you on Facebook may not follow you on LinkedIn, and vice versa. So it’s great to share your content not only in various ways and at various times, but also in various places.

On top of that, nearly 60% of marketers only reuse content 2–5 times. So we know this is important, we just don’t feel like we have the time, resources, or know-how to get the full milage out of each post. A recent study found blog articles have a shelf life of 700+ days! So, why aren’t we sharing and repurposing the content we work so hard to create, in different ways, on different platforms?

Rather than living in the mindset that we constantly need to create new content (which is still great) to post on our social media channels, it’s important to take a look at what you already have and see how you can repurpose it in unique ways, which brings us to…

Video Memes: The Best-Performing Social Media Content

We all know that what gets posted on social media doesn’t last very long. Not only because audiences are constantly growing shorter attention spans, but because each channel’s algorithm is designed with posts that have very short lifespans.

For example, the lifespan of a Facebook post is only 5 hours. Twitter is 18 minutes, Instagram is 21 hours, and LinkedIn is 24 hours. We’re looking at one day on average.

Video memes, though, when done correctly, easily overcome that.

Images are great (we’ll be the first to say that), but video out performs on almost every level.

Facebook videos alone get 135% more organic reach than photos.

On top of that, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos.

So not only do social media videos get more eyes on your content, but they also get more people to invest in your service or product.

But we aren’t just talking about regular videos here, we’re talking about video memes. These are repurposed videos from existing content that are then placed in a really cool design. They’ll usually have a big header that stands out and grabs attention, they’ll have a CTA on them to drive real traffic, and they’ll have captions (the optimized ones will!).

Here’s an example:

This makes the following really clear for your audience on social media:

  • What your video is going to talk about (because the header on the meme tells them)
  • Where they can go to learn more (if it has a CTA on it like the example above)
  • What’s being said, even if they’re scrolling on mute (that’s where captions come in)

This type of video is probably most commonly repurposed and posted on social media.

But what about your existing content that’s not already in video form? Like an audio-only podcast, or a book/ blog?

You should still created repurposed video memes for that content, too. Posting a link or image of your blog article or book (or podcast episode) won’t perform nearly as well on social media as a video meme of that content.

For audio content, you’ll repurpose clips of that content into audiograms (static images that are actually mp4 videos with audio overlayed and moving waveforms). This is a great way to drive traffic back to those high-performing episodes, and these video memes – yes, audiograms are video memes – perform way better than just an image or link to your audio.

A study was done sharing a podcast episode on Facebook 2 different ways. This was with a static image versus an audiogram, and the audiogram generated 5X the results and traffic. The static image generated 118 clicks and the audiogram generated 660. That’s a pretty significant difference and impact on your social following.

Here’s an example of an audiogram:

For blogs and books – or any other written content – you’ll repurpose it into text-motion videos (yes, another video meme).

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text, so text-motion video is huge for your following.

Here’s an example (notice it’s content directly pulled from this article – repurposing in action!):

Now that you know the “what” …

Let’s move on to the how.

7 Best Ways to Repurpose Your Content Into Video Memes for Maximum Reach

There are 7 super specific things to know in order to create these video memes on your own:

1) Working off of template designs is best.

Create a design in Canva (free) of Photoshop (not free) that can be saved forever. This is where you’ll design the skin of the video meme, including the headliner, top and bottom, etc. That way, when you are customizing a new video meme, you’ll already have a branded design that you can just swap out the headline, etc. for.

2) How the heck to create audiograms!

That’s a full tutorial on itself, but we’re giving it away. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to create audiograms like this for free.

3) How the heck to create a text-motion video!

You’ll use a tool like or for this. Choose up to 100 words to repurpose from your book or blog, and upload them into that tool. You’ll be able to design the words with color, font styles, music, and background images/ video. It’ll look something like this, literally bringing visualizations to your text-heavy content.

4) On all video memes except the text-motion video, put captions on the video file itself.

This is huge. 80% more people are likely to watch a video all the way through if it contains captions … AND videos with captions have been proven to get up to 15% more shares. Another win for your social media. You can use a service like to transcribe your clips.

5) Speaking of clips, let’s talk length.

You don’t want to post super long video memes on social. Again, the point is that these are repurposed video designed to intrigue people so they take action and click to get more information, or to see the full length content.

Hubspot did an awesome study that shows the exact optimized video length for each platform. Here’s the recommended length for some of the popular social platforms:

  • Instagram: 30 seconds
  • Twitter: 45 seconds
  • Facebook: 1 minute
  • YouTube: 2 minutes

Overall gist, don’t go over 2 min.

6) Now let’s talk size.

You’ll notice that all examples above were in square size. Square video/ images get 30-35% more views and 80-100% more engagement than landscape sized content on social media. It takes up way more real estate on someone’s phone than landscape size does.

7) Include a CTA on the video memes.

Tell people what action you want them to take whether it’s going to a URL, commenting below, following you, etc.

And there you have it!

Let us know if you’ve played around with video memes before and what success you’ve had.

For those looking to delegate this strategy so you don’t have to hands on design any video memes, head to to schedule a demo, and to learn more about how we can help you repurpose your content for maximum exposure and results.


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